Platform Set Up/Management: Add Members as Users
There are many circumstances when you might want to add Members as either Sub Admin or Contributors. It is especially helpful to add other staff members and volunteers as users and to share groups with them (if added as a contributor). Here's how you do that.
Go to Manage Members

- Find the name of the Member you want to assign a role to and select Edit

Select the User Role you want to assign to the Member and Click Save

Now if you added the Member as a Contributor you can share groups with them. If you added them as a Sub Admin, they have access to all groups in the system. Go to Manage Groups and click on the Share button.

5. Choose which groups you want to share with the Contributor and close the window.

6. Be sure the Member knows to switch their role when they want to send a message. Since they will essentially have two roles in the system: Member and Contributor or Sub Admin
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