Add Prospective Parents

Add Prospective Parents

Did you know, you can input not only current parents but also prospective parents into Digital Deets! Since you are already using Digital Deets to communicate with your current school community, why not also reach potential newcomers? You can take your lists and sources of prospective parents and upload it easily into Digital Deets, to begin communicating and sharing information with them. Once your prospective parents are uploaded, they become a Group in our system and you can include them in school posts, or send them specific updates about Open Houses, application deadlines, and other relevant information. 

To import prospective parents, follow these steps:

1. Sign into your Digital Deets account.
2. Go to Manage > Parents.
3. Click on "Import Prospective Parents" in the top right.

4. A pop-up will appear where you can upload your CSV file. (You can download the example CSV file to see) What is required:
            Parent Email / Parent First Name / Parent Last Name

5. Once uploaded, you can view these parents by going to Manage > Parents > Prospective Parents.

6. These parents are also automatically added to a new group named "Prospective Parents." You can include them as recipients to other posts, to let them know about the general goings on in your school. Or you can create posts just for them!

Choose the "Prospective Parents" group to as a recipient for your posts!

Interested in creating your own groups? Check out this article to learn how!
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