COVID-19 Response: Auto connection with language preferences for parents= COMPLETE.

COVID-19 Response: Auto connection with language preferences for parents= COMPLETE.

Auto connection with language preferences= COMPLETE

School leaders and communication coordinators,
The COVID-19 pandemic has created many challenges for schools and parents.  In order to help, School Deets recently collaborated with DPS' DOTS department to save schools a data-import step.  We have auto-connected parents to students in our system and set parent language preferences.  This development work means the following for your school:
  1. Close to 100% of your students now have a connected parent. Any students that remain unconnected did not have a listed guardian email address in IC. Data was drawn from IC yesterday, Thursday, 3/19/2020.  New student data was imported at this time too. Go to groups, All School.  Click on the data chart to see your connection rate. 
  2. All newly connected parents will receive your all school and group messages in their preferred language by email. Like other connected parents, they can view the School Deets communication feed from any web browser. 
  3. Parents still do not need the mobile app to receive messages. If they want to use the mobile app, they should first set their password from a web browser first and then they can log in to the mobile.
  4. Recently connected parents can unsubscribe to the emails at any time, although we do not recommend this.  Instead, they should quickly add a password to their account and change their notification preferences.  They can turn all notifications off.  New parents can also change their language preferences.  
  5. Any parents that were already connected will continue to receive your messages according to how they have set their notification preferences. They will not experience any changes.   

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