Platform Set Up/Management: Create and Manage folders in DigitalDeets

Platform Set Up/Management: Create and Manage folders in DigitalDeets

Creating folders in the DigitalDeets platform allows you to categorize information for your organization members and users. After you create the folders, you can then manage them at any time. 

Below are the following steps to create folders:

1. Go to the DigitalDeets Platform. Locate the Resources item, up top, and click on Folders.

 2. To add a new folder, click on Create.

3. Once you click on Create, you will be redirected to this screen. Add a name and icon for your folder. To upload a photo, click on the icon that is circled. 

Below are the steps to Manage Folders: 

1. Locate the School Resource item in the Connections section of the app. Click on "Manage Folder." 

2. If you want to edit a folder, go over to the Action section and click on the pen to make any changes necessary to that specific folder. If you want to delete a folder, click on the trash icon.

3. If you click on pen icon, this screen will pop up. You are able to change the name and folder icon. Once you finished making changes to the folder, click on Update to save your changes. 

4. If you click on the trash icon, you will receive this message. To permanently delete your folder, click on "Yes, delete it." If you do not want to delete your folder, click on Cancel.

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