All the Deets about Digital Deets Directory

All the Deets about Digital Deets Directory

With the Digital Deets Directory, organization members can find each other's contact information to communicate with each other easily outside the Digital Deets app. Instead of the hassle and cost of printing hundreds of physical directories, your entire community can access the Directory digitally in one place, for only $250 a year.

The Directory sits in the top tool bar of your Digital Deets account, between Groups and Manage. It provides names, emails, phone numbers, connected students, grade levels, and relevant teachers, in a table format, for those members who opt-in. Once purchased, everyone can view this information to find ways to contact each other.


Purchasing the Digital Deets Directory for your organization is easy! It costs $250 for the year. Once purchased, everyone in your Digital Deets community can access it. Simply,

- Sign into your Digital Deets account.
- Click on "Directory" in the top right tool bar.
- You will see the first few entries, to preview how it looks.
- Click on "Purchase Now" in the box below.
- Fill out the requested information.
- Submit.

You can also click here to pay and activate now: Buy the Digital Deets Directory

Your directory will be available within 48 hours!

Members with Complete Accounts

After your purchase, all current members with complete accounts will receive a pop up explaining the Directory when they sign in. They will have the ability to opt-in or opt-out. The pop-up looks like this:

This pop up will request that they add their phone number, as they have not provided this information previously in Digital Deets. A member can always visit their Account Settings to change their preferences, if at some point in time they would like their information to be removed from the Directory. They can also uncheck the box in this pop-up if they would not like to be included.

Members with Incomplete Accounts

Members with incomplete accounts need to be notified of this update, since they have not completed their accounts and signed in, so they will not see the pop-up described above. Their information will automatically be added to the Directory.

We recommend sending an all-school post outlining this new feature and letting members with incomplete accounts know that their information will be added to the Directory, unless they request otherwise. They can complete their account and opt out of the Directory, or they can email you to be taken out of the Directory. 

Removing Member from Directory

If a member reaches out requesting that they not be included in the Directory, you can easily remove them. Simply,

- Sign into your Digital Deets account
- Go to Manage > Parents
- Use the search bar to find the parent by name
- Click on the pencil icon next to their name to edit their profile
- De-select the box next to "Include my information in the School Directory"
- Hit Save.

Questions? Feel free to email us at

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