This article will give you instructions on how to use direct messaging within your mobile device. Direct Messaging on Digital Deets is one-to-one communication.
1. Open Digital Deets on your mobile device by pushing on the Digital Deets app button.
2. Find the Direct Messaging icon at the bottom of the screen. Push on this icon to begin a direct messaging conversation with another user on the platform.
3. Push on the pencil and paper icon in the top right hand corner to find the user that you would like to direct message.
4. A list of users will appear that are connected to your organization. If you are a member of several organizations, then you will see icons at the top of the screen for each org you are a member of. You can then choose which directory you would like to access. When you are ready to create a direct message, you may want to use the search field to search by name. If the user has enabled direct messaging, then there will be an open circle next to their name where you can click to begin the messaging. If they have not enabled direct messaging, you will see:
Unavailable: Messages have not been turned on by this user.
5. Push the circle next to the name of the person who has enabled direct messaging. You will be brought to a screen to begin typing your message. After you type in your message you will be shown a screen the will record your conversation back and forth. You may type the message in your preferred language and it will be translated for the person receiving the direct message if they have picked a different language other than yours.
6. When the person replies to your message, you will see a red dot over the direct message icon. You can then reply by accessing that message from the direct messages screen.