

A "Member" is a person whom you consider a member of your community.  This person can be a parent, staff member, neighbor, volunteer, partner, local business owner, club leader, coach, anyone!  Members can be added to various groups, and start receiving and viewing information sent to that group. And parents can still connect to their child in Digital Deets and be connected to their relevant groups. It's all streamlined in our onboarding flow! With this role, everyone in the community can be connected and share relevant information, strengthening local communities and connecting people with common interests.

To add a member, simply go to Manage > Members and click the "Add" button in the bottom right. You'll get this pop up:

Add in their information, click "Upload Member," and then add them to the groups that make sense!

If you want to add a list of members at once, use the Bulk Upload File feature.  Be sure to have your member's names and email addresses available. 

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