School Users/ Sub Admin: New Mobile App Features

School Users/ Sub Admin: New Mobile App Features

Within this article, you will learn how to log into your DigitalDeets account after downloading the DigitalDeets app to your phone. You will then learn the basics of how to use the mobile app to create posts, view posts, check analytics and choose your notification preferences. 

1. Download: First, you will want to download the DigitalDeets app to your mobile device either through the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. 

2. Log in: You will then log into the app using your credentials that you use to log into the web application. These credentials are your school email address and password you have established for DigitalDeets. 

3. View of Communication: Once you log in, you are brought to the DigitalDeets feed. This is where you will see posts from the All Group and your own groups, as well as any groups that are shared with you. The feed scrolls up and down.  The DigitalDeets symbol is at the bottom left side of the screen to indicate you are in the communication feed.  

4. Communication Center: To "create a post", view "My posts," or view " All Posts"  simply push on the plus button at the top right hand corner of the page.

You will be brought to some options. Simply choose the one you want. 

5. Creating  a Post: Push on create post and you will be brought to the screen where you can create a post to be sent out in DigitalDeets. This screen is just like the one in the web app. You can create your post using the same text editing features.

You can also include an image and attachment. Then you can send the post right away, draft the post or schedule it for later delivery. 

6. Viewing Posts: From the plus button you can also view "My Posts" and "All Posts." These displays mirror the web application where you see the post title, date and time the post was sent out, the group name, and author. If the post was machine translated, then an option to view the translated languages appears. Each post  has a status symbol attached to it on the left side of the screen. These symbols are color coded and indicate whether a post is:  published, drafted or scheduled. 

You also have a few options of actions you can take on your post from this screen. You can copy it, trash it, favorite it or check analytics on the post. Simply press on the symbol to perform the task. 

7. Bookmarked Resources: At any time, you can see the resources that your organization has built into DigitalDeets by pressing on the book mark symbol at the bottom of the screen. These resources are links to organization information, calendars, and other important information (whatever your organization wants to include!).

8. The More Menu: This is located at the bottom right hand side of the screen indicated by three lines. Click on these lines. Here you can:
    • Change account settings
    • Set your notification settings -do you want to receive email and/or push notifications
    • See which organizations you are attached to
    • See what groups you will receive messages from
    • Get DigitalDeets help and log out or switch accounts. The switching accounts will be for school users who carry multiple roles in the platform. 

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