Share Promotions with Digital Deets

Share Promotions with Digital Deets

You can use Digital Deets to boost your organization's digital reach and financially support kids' education and enrichment. By participating in our Promote Plan, your organization information can be featured in our bi-monthly Digest sent to all our fundraising organizations and their members. By purchasing a Sponsor plan, you can create a steady brand presence and reach new audiences of engaged users through creating eye-catching and interesting promotions to be sent out to your selected sponsored organizations. And even better, you can view analytics on the performance of your promotions to calculate your ROI.

When you create your account and sign in, click on the Share promotions with others blue box to see how to get started. You will see the numbered circles turn to green once you've completed each step.

1. Click on "Review your organization details in My Organization." A pop up will appear where you can review the information we already have, edit it, and add new information. We want to be sure that we have the best, most accurate, detailed information about your organization, so that when we share it with our community users, they can easily find your organization. This information will appear in our Community Listings that are available to all our users.

2. Click on "Purchase a Promotion or Sponsorship Software Plan" to go to our Products page and choose how you want to boost your brand and reach new audiences. To share promotions with others, you'll want to focus on the first two options: 

Promotion Software

and Sponsorship Software:

Briefly, the Promote Plan gives you exposure to our entire community in limited capacity. With the Sponsor Plan, you choose individual organization(s) to reach, but you have more exposure and opportunities to reach these specific audiences. You can read more about each plan here: Promote Plan and Sponsor Plan.

In both plans, a portion of your payment goes back to the organizations (read more about this in the articles just above).

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