Platform Set up/Management: Creating and Managing Resources in School Deets

Platform Set up/Management: Creating and Managing Resources in School Deets

The purpose of creating resources in the DigitalDeets platform is to provide organization members with different links and important information related to your organization. A website link needs to be attached to the resource so everyone can find more information about the resource. These resources are then placed in the corresponding folder that you created to categorize the information. 

Below are the steps to create resources into the DigitalDeets platform: 

1. Open to the DigitalDeets Platform. Locate the Resource item and click on Resources.

2. You will be directed to this screen after clicking on resources. Scroll down to the bottom and click on Create, to add new resources into the platform. 

2.  Fill in the following information: Create a name for the resource, upload a URL website, choose who the resource owner is, upload an icon if you choose to do so, select which folder the resource pertains to, and click on "create new resource."

Below are the steps to Manage a Resource: 

1. Open the DigitalDeets Platform. Locate the Resource item and click on Resources.

2. Select the following resource that needs to be revised and click on the pen icon that is circled to edit that specific resource. For example, if you wanted to change the resource "Absence form", go under the Action section and click on pen icon in the same row as the Absence form. You can also delete a resource by clicking on the trash icon (right next to the pen).

3.From the next screen, you will be able to change the name, upload a different URL, select a different owner, add a different icon, change the description if you desire, and change which folder to the pertaining resource belongs to. Finally, click on update resource so that the changes you made will be saved.